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We aim to:

  • Create self-sufficient and responsible individuals who will not falter in the face of challenges.
  • Help students develop the mindset that failure and success are part of life.


We strive to create an institution that:

  • Instils an awareness of happiness and human life’s ultimate purpose through education
  • Serves as a second home that arms students with life skills and memorable experiences.


Confidence: Mould a child’s character and personality enriched with an essential quality of being confident in order to make the right choices, learn from mistakes, be proactive and involved, to ask questions, think positively, be a problem solver and take responsibility.

Communication: Instil the ability to communicate their ideas, opinions, thoughts and feelings using a variety of means and to listen and respond to others. Train our children to have a profound command of languages that communicate with a larger world.

Compassion: Impart the noble feeling of considering others, valuing their thoughts and understand that the world is meant for all living beings around. To think positively and learn to uphold the utmost philosophy of humanity– Live and Let Live.