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Biju Luckose
Managing Director
The Guardian Trust

It is my pleasure to welcome you to The Guardian English School community. We work to foster a schooling environment that is supportive and encouraging for both the children and the staff. This is a community wherein we are deeply committed to ensuring that each student receives the utmost care and attention from our professional staff for their academic and emotional growth every day. We urge you to support us in the holistic development of the students so that the society comprises of highly confident and intellectual citizens who are capable of making a difference in this world.

At The Guardian English School, we want to provide an exemplary educational experience that focuses on developing a modern perspective in students through the expertise of world-class educationists and academicians. We strive for our students to demonstrate excellent academic progress and achievement. The students also establish essential values such as integrity, leadership, adaptability, resilience and true compassion for others. Furthermore, as the school is located in the lap of nature, it enables the students to feel the sanctity of an unpolluted surrounding and learn to care about the environment along with their studies.