The Guardian English School is the outcome of a long time dream we cherished. A school with global-standard facilities in the neighbourhood that meet the demands of the modern world. We are determined to make our children positive, confident, communicative, logical and capable of analysing the realities of a world outside the campus when they complete their schooling. Once we complete the three phases of development, The Guardian English School will offer world-class facilities in our campus that are equal or superior to any other similar institution in our country’s metro cities. Co-curricular activity training for every child will be based on their inherent talent in a particular activity rather than forcing them to follow an activity they are remotely interested in. Method of inclusive education involving children in today’s daily activities, learning theories by practically doing it is one such method we have embedded into our curriculum. This is a strenuous challenge but we diligently undertake it in our process of nurturing every child who walks into our campus to join our community. Association with Next Education, a well-known educational consultant, based in Hyderabad having pan India representation, who are technologically advanced in curriculum development, assist us in this process. Education in today’s world is dynamic. Research in respect to pedagogy has introduced several innovative methods of teaching. We have laid the foundation stone of The Guardian English School with an intense awareness of this necessity. Quality output is possible only through a faculty fully aware of the changes happening around them. Hence, the teachers must be thoroughly updated with the latest teaching methods and the accurate use of these tools. We will ensure that our faculty members are well aware and trained to apply the modern methodology in their teaching to gain the best possible results. We are committed to making sure when a child moves on from our school to face the realities of their life, they should be well-equipped with at least one life skill that might be of best use for them in their future endeavours.